Sunday, February 10, 2008

My best friend

On Wednesday, I was blue. I had a problem. I was weak and I always know I can turn to her in my times of trouble. She is always there. She listened to every sentence, every word that I told her. She understood me. I did not even have to say a word. She took me in her arms and held me. I felt good and I told her everything. Then a tear rolls down my cheeks, she wiped it off. Then she made me laugh. I look at her, but she did not look back to me. I knew how much she loves me. It was no words or poems could tell about that.

There were so many times that I needed her as my friend. Every time I need to talk or I am sad and feeling blue, she understand, and she will give her point of view. She always put me first if I need her to be there. I appreciated you did that it showed how much you really care. Her unconditional friendship showed me the person I am inside, and just to be myself is something I never have to hide. If she has ever needed anything, anytime, I promise I will be there to try to make it right. I hope that I can do for you all the things that you had done for me.

We will be friends.
I hope that without end.
Therefore, I just want to say thanks.
Thanks for being my friend.

In My Heart

I try to do things right. I try to make you happy, but I guess I always find a way to mess up. You do not believe what I tell you anymore. You will not listen to my side of the story. You told me you love me, but you do not want our relationship anymore. You do not like what it has become. I do not want what it has become either. I remember what it used to be. I remember how happy we used to be. We hardly ever fought.

Now, one year later, it seems like that is all we do. I love you, but something has to change. We cannot stay in this relationship if we are not happy. I do not want to lose you. I do not want to live without you. You know EVERYTHING about me. Even little things I do not know. You can make me laugh and smile. You can cheer me up when I am blue. You make me feel good about myself and make me feel comfortable about my body. You bring the best out in me. You are silly and crazy. You make my life fun. I love you and I want so badly to make life what it used to be. I want us to be happy again.

Do you think we can fix it, or is it to late? Do you think there is any way to get back what we lost? To light our flame again? Or has too much shit happened? Has it changed forever?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Different minds

On Thursday, I called my father to ask after him. He was fine, but my mother had a sore eye. Her eye was partly close, and there was a swelling over her lid. She is much better now. Then my father asked me about my sister. Owing to on Wednesday, she had a quiz in economic subject and she was poor in the quiz. I told him that she did not intend to review the lessons. She spent so much time to talk a mobile phone. It was ridiculous to do that.

When I saw her, I was thinking of me. At that time, I was the age as her. I made my father to worry me many time. However, I had never given up studying. I had differed with my sister on the enthusiasm. I saw her, and then I was worry about her studying. I told my father that I would help him to look after her. I would like to my parents was happy. It was time I grew up. I knew that my duty was to look after her. I understood their feelings. I told my father that would like to thank them for everything that they did for me. I was lucky that I had them stood by me all the time. For my sister’s behavior, I did not blame her. I just warned her because I did not want to her felt pressure.

In the evening on Thursday, my father called my sister to ask after her. For a while, she had terrible quarrel with him. I knew it was that because of me. However, it was that because of her too. She shouted angrily at him as she cried. I knew that my father was sorry about that. So I told her apologized to him for all of that. Finally, the two men reached agreement on any issues.

Never again

On Friday, he called me again. I did not answer my phone. I ignored him because I did not want to be sad. I did not want to thinking of him. I intended that it had never again will I look at him and never again will I love him. He would be my friend only. At one time, it could difficult to me to think that. It was hard to forget about the time. Now I can do that easily. In my mind, I was excited about seeing that. I felt so good that he called me again because I thought after that time he might to be seeing no more. In the evening day, I was sitting here on the computer. I had nothing else to do. I opened my profile “hi5” as usual. I saw his message, and then I read it repeatedly. For some reason I was thinking of him. I opened his profile “hi5”. It made me more thinking of him. I would like to cry at first, then I realized that why should I be crying? Why should I be sad? This made me had strong-minded. It had no loneliness could ever destroy me. I shall let this moment pass. And again I'll stand up, go on, live and love again…

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Just Boast......

On Wednesday, my parents, uncle and aunt went to Mae-Klong, Samut Songkhram. They looked after their properties. My mother called me that she would buy a kind of sweetmeat, Jak to me. Jak was the local product. It was delicious. I did not eat it in a long while. While I chewed it, my sense of taste made it had sweet and rich. It had a coconut mixed in the remaining ingredients. I stayed at my room alone, so I ate the sweetmeat all day because it would keep for 2-3 days. My parents arrived at my dormitory that evening. My sister had to go to Nakhonsawan On Friday after she studied in economics subject. She had to meet with the dentist on Saturday. Therefore, she went to Nakhonsawan with my parents that evening. Although she had the class in English and Criminal I subjects on Thursday too. Reason for that it was if she did not go home with my parents, she had to go home by herself. However, if I were she, I would choose to go home on Friday. I was too lazy to pursue homework. Furthermore, while I stayed at home, I was not to do work. I thought that it was a wasted the time. I wanted my sister to think the same way as me. I just wanted her to pay attention to review the lessons because it was near the final examination. I worried about her. I afraid that she may get a poor grade because the midterm examination, some subject she got a low marks. I would not like my parents to be sadness because of her grades including me. She should think about studying, but she had nothing to do. I was very conscious of my studies. It was amused. The different between my sister and me, I paid attention to studying and I worried about my grade, but it was exceed. In contrast, my sister paid no attention to study. My sister was lazy but I was diligent. My sister was not a dweeb but I was a dweeb. Ah Ah….

My space

On Thursday, I stayed alone in this room. There was nothing so fearful as to be alone in a normal situation. It was all right. Except that while I stayed alone and there was something has happened that it made me feel unhappy. It was troubled to control myself. That evening, I intended to do my homework and read the book. While I was beginning to write my journal, the phone rang. It showed his phone number. He had important to me. I decided to answer the telephone. I was so excited when I talked with him because I had not talked with him in ages. One year ago, this was the first time that he called me. After I hanged up the phone, I was determined to continue working. As I did my homework, I listened to the music. The song made me blue. My eyes filled with tears. At that time, I missed him so much.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Upset In My Mind

Last week, it was the beginning of upset in my mind. Due to final examination, it was coming soon. I thought that I did not have enough the time to review the lessons. I was so worried about that because I ever had experience for that. Owing to in the past, my plan was so bad to review the subjects for the exam. In other words, I had no any plan for the exam. I did not read the books before I studied. Furthermore, I did not read the book after I studied. Then what happened to me? It was certainly….I was nervous. It was not easy to make the good grades in the situation. Some subject, I had the time to review the lessons only one day. It was so hard. At that time I cried and to be in a bad mood too often. I did not have the time to talk with any person. I did not have the time to watch the television or anything else that helped me to relax. All over, I paid the time for reading the books and sleeping. Nevertheless, at that time I dedicated to read the books but it did not have enough the time to review the subjects.

I had a bad experience and therefore I would not to be that. This final examination, I intend that I will read the lessons before the exam. Then when it is a period of final examination, it was not too hard to review the subjects. This time I had enthusiasm for the exam. I thought that from this time on, I would begin to read the books. But I could not do that because I had homework so much.

However, it was good for the beginning. At least, I realized that now what I should to do. From now on, when I have a free time, it is possible that I will read the books instead of playing the computer games or watching the television. I know that it is easier said than done, but I must try to do.

That’s too bad

On Friday, I had an appointment with my close friend in the evening. My close friend called for the meeting since Monday. That day was the chance we had been waiting for. Especially my close friend, she looked forward to meet me. In the morning on that day, she called me for ask me about dinner. We made appointment to had dinner together. I did not think that there was the problem to her or me. In the afternoon on that day, I did my homework for waiting the time. Without warning, my friend came to say hello by MSN. She told me about the report that we had to do together. After we allotted work, I began to do it. Due to, I had to send work that I finished it to my friend and then my friend did next step. I did not want to lose my time. While I finished my work, I clicked “save”. Then my work, it was lost. I was so sad. I had to do it again. Finally, I did not have the dinner with my close friend.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

My Grades

Exams just finished, and I was feeling very happy to have vacation for New Years, This week was the first week after I had my vacation, as vacation often made me felt lazy. Mid Term did not have any tests or examinations for law so I did not really get a chance to refresh my memory. Now that final exam was coming up soon, I was very nervous and worried about this particular Law final as now I was left to almost start over new. I had only just realized how much work I would have to do. There were just so many notes to read. It makes me think back to that time that all my friends and me skipped classes for a week and told are parents we were studying. All that time wasted playing computer games and only now, to pay for it with all of this reading I have to do for multifarious law.

I do not know why I am freaking out I have a whole month to do this, But truly one month is nothing for the vastly sized law books. I can feel my brain getting heavier just thinking about all the information that would have to be crammed into it!
I guess that in the end that is just the way it is I have to deal with this annoyance and it is just slowly getting on me.

Now if you thought that things could not get any worse for poor me, you were far off the truth, I have not disclosed something with you…
My sister is in the hospital with a broken belly in the core of her digestive region. The room is very nice, and she is happy she eats chocolate now and can talk with friends on the phone while watching TV. She however, is still hooked up to all the pipes and things like that.

This takes from my time now because I want to make sure that she is ok, I am just trying to be a good person and sister now law is trying to take it away from me, ill-fated law! I am hoping for something, something wonderful to come along and save me from this mess. I am just adamant about getting good grades in all my subjects even those, which I have not really read properly.

English is one subject, which I want to get the highest mark I have ever gotten before. I can feel the confidence, in this subject I have worked very hard and I am hoping that this would give me the lift that I need with all of the problems that I could be expecting in the very near future, we will see I guess, we will see.

In the end of it all time will tell how much I will pay for this and how well I will do. Dependant on my own power, to use my month wisely, and take everything is coming into consideration.