Sunday, February 10, 2008

My best friend

On Wednesday, I was blue. I had a problem. I was weak and I always know I can turn to her in my times of trouble. She is always there. She listened to every sentence, every word that I told her. She understood me. I did not even have to say a word. She took me in her arms and held me. I felt good and I told her everything. Then a tear rolls down my cheeks, she wiped it off. Then she made me laugh. I look at her, but she did not look back to me. I knew how much she loves me. It was no words or poems could tell about that.

There were so many times that I needed her as my friend. Every time I need to talk or I am sad and feeling blue, she understand, and she will give her point of view. She always put me first if I need her to be there. I appreciated you did that it showed how much you really care. Her unconditional friendship showed me the person I am inside, and just to be myself is something I never have to hide. If she has ever needed anything, anytime, I promise I will be there to try to make it right. I hope that I can do for you all the things that you had done for me.

We will be friends.
I hope that without end.
Therefore, I just want to say thanks.
Thanks for being my friend.

In My Heart

I try to do things right. I try to make you happy, but I guess I always find a way to mess up. You do not believe what I tell you anymore. You will not listen to my side of the story. You told me you love me, but you do not want our relationship anymore. You do not like what it has become. I do not want what it has become either. I remember what it used to be. I remember how happy we used to be. We hardly ever fought.

Now, one year later, it seems like that is all we do. I love you, but something has to change. We cannot stay in this relationship if we are not happy. I do not want to lose you. I do not want to live without you. You know EVERYTHING about me. Even little things I do not know. You can make me laugh and smile. You can cheer me up when I am blue. You make me feel good about myself and make me feel comfortable about my body. You bring the best out in me. You are silly and crazy. You make my life fun. I love you and I want so badly to make life what it used to be. I want us to be happy again.

Do you think we can fix it, or is it to late? Do you think there is any way to get back what we lost? To light our flame again? Or has too much shit happened? Has it changed forever?

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