Sunday, February 3, 2008

Different minds

On Thursday, I called my father to ask after him. He was fine, but my mother had a sore eye. Her eye was partly close, and there was a swelling over her lid. She is much better now. Then my father asked me about my sister. Owing to on Wednesday, she had a quiz in economic subject and she was poor in the quiz. I told him that she did not intend to review the lessons. She spent so much time to talk a mobile phone. It was ridiculous to do that.

When I saw her, I was thinking of me. At that time, I was the age as her. I made my father to worry me many time. However, I had never given up studying. I had differed with my sister on the enthusiasm. I saw her, and then I was worry about her studying. I told my father that I would help him to look after her. I would like to my parents was happy. It was time I grew up. I knew that my duty was to look after her. I understood their feelings. I told my father that would like to thank them for everything that they did for me. I was lucky that I had them stood by me all the time. For my sister’s behavior, I did not blame her. I just warned her because I did not want to her felt pressure.

In the evening on Thursday, my father called my sister to ask after her. For a while, she had terrible quarrel with him. I knew it was that because of me. However, it was that because of her too. She shouted angrily at him as she cried. I knew that my father was sorry about that. So I told her apologized to him for all of that. Finally, the two men reached agreement on any issues.

Never again

On Friday, he called me again. I did not answer my phone. I ignored him because I did not want to be sad. I did not want to thinking of him. I intended that it had never again will I look at him and never again will I love him. He would be my friend only. At one time, it could difficult to me to think that. It was hard to forget about the time. Now I can do that easily. In my mind, I was excited about seeing that. I felt so good that he called me again because I thought after that time he might to be seeing no more. In the evening day, I was sitting here on the computer. I had nothing else to do. I opened my profile “hi5” as usual. I saw his message, and then I read it repeatedly. For some reason I was thinking of him. I opened his profile “hi5”. It made me more thinking of him. I would like to cry at first, then I realized that why should I be crying? Why should I be sad? This made me had strong-minded. It had no loneliness could ever destroy me. I shall let this moment pass. And again I'll stand up, go on, live and love again…

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