Saturday, January 12, 2008

My Grades

Exams just finished, and I was feeling very happy to have vacation for New Years, This week was the first week after I had my vacation, as vacation often made me felt lazy. Mid Term did not have any tests or examinations for law so I did not really get a chance to refresh my memory. Now that final exam was coming up soon, I was very nervous and worried about this particular Law final as now I was left to almost start over new. I had only just realized how much work I would have to do. There were just so many notes to read. It makes me think back to that time that all my friends and me skipped classes for a week and told are parents we were studying. All that time wasted playing computer games and only now, to pay for it with all of this reading I have to do for multifarious law.

I do not know why I am freaking out I have a whole month to do this, But truly one month is nothing for the vastly sized law books. I can feel my brain getting heavier just thinking about all the information that would have to be crammed into it!
I guess that in the end that is just the way it is I have to deal with this annoyance and it is just slowly getting on me.

Now if you thought that things could not get any worse for poor me, you were far off the truth, I have not disclosed something with you…
My sister is in the hospital with a broken belly in the core of her digestive region. The room is very nice, and she is happy she eats chocolate now and can talk with friends on the phone while watching TV. She however, is still hooked up to all the pipes and things like that.

This takes from my time now because I want to make sure that she is ok, I am just trying to be a good person and sister now law is trying to take it away from me, ill-fated law! I am hoping for something, something wonderful to come along and save me from this mess. I am just adamant about getting good grades in all my subjects even those, which I have not really read properly.

English is one subject, which I want to get the highest mark I have ever gotten before. I can feel the confidence, in this subject I have worked very hard and I am hoping that this would give me the lift that I need with all of the problems that I could be expecting in the very near future, we will see I guess, we will see.

In the end of it all time will tell how much I will pay for this and how well I will do. Dependant on my own power, to use my month wisely, and take everything is coming into consideration.

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