Sunday, January 20, 2008

Upset In My Mind

Last week, it was the beginning of upset in my mind. Due to final examination, it was coming soon. I thought that I did not have enough the time to review the lessons. I was so worried about that because I ever had experience for that. Owing to in the past, my plan was so bad to review the subjects for the exam. In other words, I had no any plan for the exam. I did not read the books before I studied. Furthermore, I did not read the book after I studied. Then what happened to me? It was certainly….I was nervous. It was not easy to make the good grades in the situation. Some subject, I had the time to review the lessons only one day. It was so hard. At that time I cried and to be in a bad mood too often. I did not have the time to talk with any person. I did not have the time to watch the television or anything else that helped me to relax. All over, I paid the time for reading the books and sleeping. Nevertheless, at that time I dedicated to read the books but it did not have enough the time to review the subjects.

I had a bad experience and therefore I would not to be that. This final examination, I intend that I will read the lessons before the exam. Then when it is a period of final examination, it was not too hard to review the subjects. This time I had enthusiasm for the exam. I thought that from this time on, I would begin to read the books. But I could not do that because I had homework so much.

However, it was good for the beginning. At least, I realized that now what I should to do. From now on, when I have a free time, it is possible that I will read the books instead of playing the computer games or watching the television. I know that it is easier said than done, but I must try to do.

That’s too bad

On Friday, I had an appointment with my close friend in the evening. My close friend called for the meeting since Monday. That day was the chance we had been waiting for. Especially my close friend, she looked forward to meet me. In the morning on that day, she called me for ask me about dinner. We made appointment to had dinner together. I did not think that there was the problem to her or me. In the afternoon on that day, I did my homework for waiting the time. Without warning, my friend came to say hello by MSN. She told me about the report that we had to do together. After we allotted work, I began to do it. Due to, I had to send work that I finished it to my friend and then my friend did next step. I did not want to lose my time. While I finished my work, I clicked “save”. Then my work, it was lost. I was so sad. I had to do it again. Finally, I did not have the dinner with my close friend.

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