Saturday, November 24, 2007


After I got my grades all subjects, I asked my parents to buy me laptop. Every time that I called them and they called me, I talked about the laptop to them. I thought that if I often talked about it to them, they might favor me and they might buy me laptop soon. According to I anticipated my parents bought laptop after I asked them about six-seven days. My parents visited my sister and me on Saturday. That day I thought that my parents came to us because they would take us to buy laptop. However, I did not sure about that because they did not tell us that, but they tell us that they just visited us. Yesterday before that day, I asked them when they would buy laptop to me. He replied that in not a long while. That meant they did not buy laptop to me at present. While I heard that, I was disappointed. Due to, I hoped that if I got good grades, my parents had to buy me laptop immediately. So I complained about that to them. On Saturday, my parents arrived to my dormitory at 14:00 o’clock. They parked the car in front of my dormitory. My sister and I got on the car. At that time, I did not know where we would go. When we went to there, they just told me that. I thought that how stupid of me to have said that! Nevertheless, I was very glad to get new laptop. Furthermore, from now on I would have my laptop to use in my room at Bangkok. I did not often go to the internet cafĂ©. That was more convenient and comfortable than previously. After my parents bought laptop to me, my father talked about our behavior and study. He had an opportunity to teach us. I was so bored because that affair was repeated several times. My father would teach and complain me every time that he bought anything to me. I came back to my dormitory and then I admired my laptop for a long while. I was very crazy for the laptop. Next day, I admired it all day. On Sunday, I stayed at my room all day. I played the computer games all day. I was absorbed in the laptop, so that I did not do anything. I had very ache in a shoulder and a back of neck. That night I went to bed so late. However, I was lucky; I had a class at 11:00 o’clock. I had the time to sleep about 3-4 hours. In the morning on Monday, I was so sleepy. I felt dizzy. I was dead from the neck up. Especially in the afternoon, I studied “World Civilizations” subject. I did not get what teacher was teaching. In the beginning, I could open my eyes to listen teacher. One hour later, I could not control my eyes. I was drowse. I had just nothing in the attic. That was bad! I thought that I should not do that. I was afraid that I might fail in the study. In addition, if I was still behaving that, I was certain to fail. I knew that I liked to play the computer games so much. I tried not to play like that even though it was difficult to control my feeling to stop playing. Ai…Ai

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