Sunday, December 16, 2007

Coming Soon

This week I was rather serious because it was near the day that I had the midterm examination. I thought that I was not ready to examine. However, I had to examine in this examination. Therefore, I had to fight with an all out effort.

In the afternoon on Friday, I went to Nakhonsawan. This time I stayed at home about 5 days. I was really to be glad. I would to eat the food that it was not food beside ABAC’s fence. That day I ate the food that satisfied my need. On Saturday, I got up at 7:30 am. I exercised from 7:45 am. to 8:00 am. As I had breakfast, I watched the television. I liked “Reng Row Choul Nee” program because it made me follow the news. After that, I always watched “Woman To Woman” because I need to know about fashion and beauty. Then I played the computer games for a long while. At 12:00, I cooked fried rice. It was not delicious because I cooked to guess freely. I was just make an omelet, a fried egg, boiled egg, egg-boiled soup. I brought fried rice to Macky. Macky was my dog. It was Dalmatian. It was clever. It turned one’s face away. It was laughable! I had to improve a deft hand at cooking. About 14:30, I took a bath. That morning I did not take a bath because I was so lazy to take a bath. I took a bath for a long time. In that evening, my family went to Lotus department store. We came in “MK Sukiyaki”. It was delicious because we were so happy. I ate a lot of it. When I arrived to home, I ate boiled rice. I thought that I ate so much and then I would to be fat in soon. (555+) Because after I finished to eat, I went to bed. That day I was relaxed because on Friday, I just started the midterm examination. I examined on “World Civilization” subject. I was so serious on Thursday and Friday and I was not enough to sleep too. I was exhausted. Therefore, before I began to read and review on English II subject, I had to relax. Although I endured to read the book, I could not to remember the substance. After I got the rest, I had to intend to read the book. I was afraid I would do the exam on English II subject badly because it was so difficult. I really feared that.

On Tuesday, I got my paper on English II subject. It was hard to believe that. I got A-. WOW! I was really surprise. It was high than I expect. That was worthwhile with the time that I spent the time all night for that. It made me recovered from exhaustion. I would like to get the mark in the midterm examination likes this, but I know that I cannot do that. This examination, it was so harder than that. I do not know that I get what of mark, but I will do it well as I can.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


On Friday, my sister and I went to Nakhonsawan. I would like to go home so much because I would like to eat food that my mother cooked. Before we would come back our home, we went to the hospital “Bumrungrad Hospital”. My sister was ill. We spent the time on the car very long while. I was so bored because was very heavy. We arrived home in the evening and I was very hungry. My mother cooked dinner for me. The dinner looked great. I enjoyed the dinner very much, so I ate the food too much that was for me because I had heartburn. I took medicine "ENO”. I felt better after I belched loudly. While I stayed at home, I felt good. Therefore, I ate the food too much as if I was greedy. The food tasted delicious. However, as I lived in Bangkok, I ate a little food. Because almost everyday, I ate the same thing for food, it made me was bored. I suddenly turned on the computer after I had finished the dinner. I spent the night playing the computer games. That night I went to bed so late.

Next day, we visited to grandparents at Chiang Mai. I was very glad to go there. I loved Chiang Mai because Chiang Mai had a value culture especially a dialect. I would to speak North-dialect. It was melodious voice. I was glad to meet my brothers. They were growing up and handsome. We went to “Mount Inthanon” and “Night Safari”. We looked at pandas. They were lovely. They lived in an air-conditioned room. They were herbivores, e.g. a bamboo leaf. In the evening, my family and I hurried to go home because my home was at Nakhonsawan. It was so far. My brothers began to cry when I got to the car. They made me cried too. It was shameful! All the time that I traveled to come back my home, my sister and I sang a song together. Finally, we arrived at home. I was tired. I did not take a bath whereas I went to bed. Ai…Ai


Two weeks ago, I felt strange. As I stayed at my room, I felt worry all time. While my sister stayed with me at our room, she used her mobile phone all time. She made an awful noise. I was so bored. However, that was not bad as I felt that she talked about me. I endeavored to ignore what she said, but I stilled heard that. I could not do anything that used the brain. I blamed her for doing that several time. Nevertheless, it looked like there was nothing the matter. I thought that I had to control my mind. I might do to achieve success. However, I believed that finally I would feel better than this. Then I did not mind what I heard.

Now I must spend the time for reading the books. I have the midterm-examination on next Friday. I must do it well.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Don't worry

On Monday, my friend visited me at my dorm. She brought me the play station. In fact, my sister and I liked to play the games. My friend, my sister and I played the play station to be frantic until we did not look at the time. We had the dinner at 22 o'clock. It was very late. There was two the joy, but there were three persons. We grabbed the joy for playing the play station. So we agreed that if who was beaten, that person had to stop playing the play station for someone else. After we played the play station very late night, we went to bed. My friend did not come back her home because it was so late.

In the morning Tuesday, I got up late. I had the class at 11:00 o'clock. That was O.K.! After I was finished my class, I had the dinner with my sister. We ate a lot of food because that night we had to use energy too much. My sister had a lot of homework. I had the quiz in world civilization subject. This quiz, I should do it well. After I had finished the dinner, I suddenly read the book. I had to read the book two chapters. They were not easy because there were many details. If I wanted the full mark, I had to read hard. Therefore, I wanted a lot of time to spend for the quiz. I read the book only four pages; my friend was knocked at the door. Then my friend and I went to "Box" Internet & Game Cafe. We went to "Box" cafe at 20:00 o'clock. We chose to go at that time because we could to pay 10 Baht per hour. Normally, 08:00-20:00 o'clock we paid 20 Baht per hour. I played the internet games since 20:00 o'clock to 23:00 o'clock. I thought that only three hours, it was a short time to play the internet games. Nevertheless, this time, I thought that it was a long time to play the internet games because I had a few time to read the book. Now I knew that I could not spend the time for anything except read the book. However, I spent the time to take a bath because I had a headache. I thought that caused by I was serious too much. After I took a bath, I felt better. Then I made the best of read. I read the book until my brain could not get anything more than this. Therefore, I went to bed. That was one thing, I could do it. However, I could not sleep because I was worried. I thought that I had to read the book more than this. I spent the time to think anything for the long while before I slept.

On Wednesday, I had the class at 8:00 o'clock. It was early morning. I felt giddy. I slept about 3:30 a.m., and I got up about 7:00 a.m. I had a sleepless night. That afternoon, I read the book again. I read until the last time before I got the quiz. Now I am waiting the result of quiz. I will get the result on next Wednesday. I wished that I got the good mark...I wanted to relax. Do not worry about anything. And let's extremely